10 Facts About The Tzabcan Rattlesnake
1 The Mayan serpent deity From Canada southwards, almost every corner of the Americas has its own […]
1 The Mayan serpent deity From Canada southwards, almost every corner of the Americas has its own […]
1 Fer-de-lance Known as Bothrops asper in Latin, the fer-de-lance is the most dangerous venomous snake in Central
1 Central American eyelash viper This venomous, branch-dwelling species belongs to the Bothriechis pitviper family (19 members),
1 Speckled racer One of the mostly finely patterned snakes in Nicaragua. The speckled racer (Drymobius margaritiferus)
1 Wilson’s montane pitviper One of the last snakes in El Salvador you’d want to meet, unless you